
Astrological Readings by Katrina and Gi 

Katrina has been interested in astrology since she was 16 years old and starting reading charts at 18. She is the nuts and bolts of the team. Katrina “runs” the chart, based on your personal info (date, exact time and place of birth). Katrina sees patterns and the cosmos makes beautiful art!

When Gi sees your chart, it speaks to her, and points her to where she will focus for the reading. She accesses other levels of perception and grasps your lessons, gifts and challenges which she expresses in a clear and supportive way.

We make a great team because we have the Yin and Yang represented.  You get two perspectives for the price of one!

Sample Astro chart

Sample Natal Chart

You’ll receive, based upon your familiarity with astrology and your chart:
— a broad review of the planets, houses, elements, angles (along with cheat sheets)

— more specific information about your life themes (past, present and future)

— what the cosmos wants you to know at this time
From this perspective, you’ll have greater clarity about situations and decisions you’re facing. Our goal is to support you from a cosmic perspective. The Planets are always there to help— and so are we!


Also you can record the reading so you can refer back to later as it is a LOT of information!

Transit chart

Sample Transit Chart



Transits are the experiences that are happening presently, some can be challenging, some of them abundant and some of them quite extraordinary!  The stars in the heavens are here as gifts and they point to what we need at this time. It helps to know what is happening as acceptance can occur and once that happens, it’s easier to be at peace with what Life has in store for us! 

We also run your solar return which gives insight and support to what you are experiencing this year.



NEW offering!  It’s Time to add more Feminine Balance to astrology. So we’re offering a supplemental Goddess reading, focusing mainly on Ceres, Pallas Athen, Juno and Vesta. Please let us know at the time of your reading if you want to include this in depth perspective.

60 minutes $75 (great for an introduction to astrology, along with general personal themes)
90 minutes $100 (perfect for going deeper+ a specific question)
15 minutes $20 Goddesses supplemental (the Feminine Archetypes in your chart)

All readings include a recording of your chart, cheat sheets and natal and transit charts.