Traditions of Transmissions

About transmission teachings:

Chi Gong is one of the oldest known energy traditions.  First mentioned in texts 3000 years ago in China, the teachings have been handed down through different lineages, usually family lines, for thousands of years.  Chi Gong comes from the same classical medical traditions that inform Chinese acupuncture and many martial arts.

The teachings of Classical Chinese Medicine moved from the south of China up toward the north, and like Buddhism, spread over to Japan around 1200 AD.  Japan closed off from trade with China not long afterward, and developed their medical lineage, based on the classical Chinese system, with its Daoist and Buddhist aspects.

Most of you are familiar with Reiki, which comes out of the Japanese Buddhist energy tradition. ( Ki = Chi. ) Reiki students from Japan have been very successful in teaching many US students, so it is a well known transmission here.

In the East, there is a tradition of transmission teachings – oral and practice  teachings that are handed (often in secret) from teacher to student, generation to generation.  These are not things that you can learn by reading about them or by watching You Tube videos.  You have to be there, as each teaching is specific to the students that showed up to receive them.

Every student comes to the teachings from a different place – different strengths, different desires, different wounds.  The response of a good teacher is the key to the transmission style of teaching.  The same question asked by different students will often require a different answer, because the teacher is looking at you individually.  Your stance, your question, your problem requires a solution that is particular to you. Someone else’s answer may not be appropriate for your place in your life right now.  The teachings that you acquire, remember and practice are particular to the things you need to know, and the practices that best serve you through out your life.  The teachings that you pass on will have this particular focus.

Transmission lineages can differ widely in the teachings.  One may specialize in distance healing; another may have teachings in protection or specialized teachings to deal with a different aspect of energy.